The Money Shot

Such a fun shoot this week with miss Sophia! She can really work it for the camera. Every photo came out looking like gold and with every new pose I’d look at the back of my camera and say, “yup- that’s the money shot!”

Sophie is such a trooper. She pulled an all nighter getting ready for this shoot. She stayed up late finalizing her outfits (but pretty sure she ended up bringing her whole wardrobe), and then left for her hair and makeup at 3am! Guys 3am!!! That’s crazy! I thought it was early when I got up at 4:30am. I had picked up a flower crown the night before so when morning rolled around we were all ready to go- shout out to the lovely Elizabeth Shaffer for making the crown for us! So cute!

We met at the first location just before sunrise. Clouds filled the sky. No! I love the sun! It makes such beautiful photos. Although I like the sun, clouds make for some really nice lighting too. We got out of our cars and clothes, shoes, and jewelry came tumbling out of Sophie’s car! Then she made me pick the outfits! No pressure right! I think I did a pretty great job though. As it got a little brighter out we headed down to the river, it’s finally cooling down enough that there aren’t people floating and swimming all over… but then again it was 6am on a Thursday morning.

We really had a ton of fun in this new location. I had her in the water, in the sand (where my poor feet got attacked by ants), and on some pretty interesting looking rocks teetering in her high heels! She must have some talent because I wouldn’t be able to balance on a rock in heels. We broke out the flower crown and in that moment, in that location, the stars aligned and the lighting was P-E-R-F-E-C-T… just perfect! I told her not to move, took probably about 100 photos right there; and what do you know, they were pure GOLD! I would have taken 100 more in that lighting but we heard a scary clunking noise in the water and were scared to get ambushed by the wild Salt River Horses.

After 2 hours at the river, we packed up and headed to a garden/nursery in Mesa. This was also a new location for the both of us. We pulled up and there were a bunch of workers offloading trees from big semis. Most of them male; and most of them couldn’t stop staring at us. Can you say awkwardddd! We didn’t really care though, we climbed around planters, pots and sprinkler hoses, but it was all worth it. You’d never know where we were! I’m so incredibly happy with how the photos tuned out. Sophia is so gorgeous and she rocked that flower crown!

I literally came straight home, downloaded all 860 photos, picked out my favorite 90, and edited them all… regardless of the giant list of homework that was sitting, staring at me from across the room.

I hope you all love the photos as much as Sophie and I do! I can’t wait for my next session with Courtney and Randy 😀

❤︎ Tara T

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3 thoughts on “The Money Shot

  • September 10, 2016 at 12:12 am

    Gorgeous photography, and a beautiful model. I am Sammy Clark’s grandma and enjoy all of your talent!

    • September 10, 2016 at 12:17 am

      Aw thank you so much! Sammy and I shoot together at least once a month probably!

  • September 10, 2016 at 12:15 am

    I enjoy all of your photos. I am Sammy Clark’s grandma, and love all of your work.

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