Summer 2016 Recap

Wow- It’s been quite a while since I’ve blogged. This summer has just been crazy! I don’t think I’ve ever had such a busy summer.

As you know, my summer started in Paris, France for study abroad. I still need to go through all of those photos because there are just SO many!

After I got home from Paris, I had some more classes. Statistics at the community college was just… a blast! (No sarcasm there *wink-wink*.) One of the other classes I took was called Death and Dying. Let’s get something straight, when I signed up for it I actually never read what the class was about. It was the only class that gave me a Cultural Awareness, Global Awareness, and Humanities credit all in one class. That’s 3 birds with one stone guys! Doing tricks like that is just one way that makes graduating with a 4 year degree in 2 and a half years possible! But about the class… my main assignment was to go to a funeral home and interview one of the workers. Creepy! It actually wasn’t that bad, and it was honestly kind of interesting. The funeral home wasn’t really creepy at all. I’m sure you are wondering, because I know I was – No, there were no dead bodies there when I went. They have a main facility that deals with all of that. I am so glad that class is over.

In addition to going to classes, I also met with a lot of other photographers to discuss business. I even traveled to another city about two hours away to meet another photographer named Tara and she told me about some awesome gear! The next day I bought it through good old Amazon and I love it! We collaborated and swapped headshots!

Once I finished all of my classes, I had a little adventure! I went to Southwest Colorado and camped for about a week, then went to my family reunion. That was pretty much a blast! I had a couples shoot in Durango while I was in the area. For those of you who have never been to Colorado, GO! It is sooo beautiful! It’s green and lush everywhere! Ahh it’s pretty much heaven – especially for a photographer. Naturally, I was pretty excited for the couples shoot. Another thing you need to know about Colorado… it rains almost daily. About 10 minutes into the shoot the sun disappeared and was replaced by huge dark clouds… oh no! Got to keep shooting. A few seconds after that: drip, drip, drip. And before we knew it we were all huddled under the tree waiting for the storm to pass. Luckily it passed fairly quickly and just in time for some beautiful lighting!

Besides my scheduled session, there were so many great opportunities to shoot in CO. One day my boyfriend, Dylan, and I hiked about 10 miles practically straight up a mountain trying to find Lake Hope. Lets just say we never did. I decided to call it Lake False Hope. On our hike back to the truck, we saw some people coming down a trail across the stream… and oh my gosh! We didn’t see it. We weren’t even on the trail! Apparently you have to cross the stream and THAT is the trail. Woopsies! Well, the next day we did the actual hike, and what do you know… there was a lake! And a gorgeous one at that. But, of course, as soon as we got there it started pouring. Now, this lake is a glacier lake, so it’s pretty much at the top of the mountain where the snow caps are, so we were above the tree line hanging out with some patches of snow as it rained. Needless to say, it was COLD! We were not dressed for the occasion. Luckily we found a shrub big enough to crawl under and hide until the storm passed. Guys, it rained for almost an hour! We were literally cuddling under this bush trying to stay warm and dry! It kind of felt like I should be on one of those survival shows! But I really wanted photos, so I went out in the rain and started shooting. About 20 minutes later it cleared up just long enough for me to get some great shots and hike back to the truck. What a day!

I got back from Colorado and had a couple of photo sessions I tried out a new location and played in the water a bit.

Next, I traveled to White Fish, Montana with my boyfriend and his family for a family get-together. Such nice weather there. I always love escaping 115 degree weather for 75 degrees! Sitting around in camp chairs in the backyard barbecuing at midday isn’t exactly something we can do where I live during summer! I had a really great time in Montana. We went to a huckleberry festival and strangely enough there wasn’t really anything huckleberry there, but never the less it was still fun!

Literally the day I got home from Montana, I moved into my apartment! Oh my, it is so stinking cute! It’s my first apartment and I’m pretty much in love! It took a while to figure out how to hang pictures from the brick walls, but I got it and now it’s looking so cute! (Photos were taken in panorama mode so they are a bit distorted!)

Now I’m all settled back in and classes have started again. I’m finally able to sit down and blog, you know, before the homework load gets too much! I’m taking 18 credit hours this semester instead of the regular 15, but it’s just one extra class so I’m hoping it’s bearable!

Well that’s all I have for you guys today!

I’m going to try to write more often now that I’m back in the swing of things!

❤︎ Tara T

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