Sammy – Headshot

What a fun weekend! I met a photographer who needed some headshots for her business, so we traded services. I took her headshots and she took portraits of my boyfriend and me. Both sessions turned out amazing! I love working with other photographers, especially when they are my models – they know the little tricks for posing, light settings, how to use angles, etc. On Friday I met Sammy at ASU and I shot photos of her with her camera. You never would have known it was at ASU either! Although it was raining on the way to the shoot, it quickly cleared up and was beautiful weather.

When we got to the first spot I wanted to use,Sammy was laughing at me because I would rip off a piece of the tree to hold in front of my lens. For some reason, the whole branch broke off, so instead of having a small strand of a few leaves, I had a whole long branch! Sammy snapped this hilarious photo for me because we were dying laughing!

But I swear there is method to my madness. Here is the final shot I got – worth the huge branch, even though I didn’t mean to damage the tree.

I had Sammy lay down in the grass with her camera; then I sat down so I could get a good angle. As soon as I sat down, I hear a strange popping noise and I thought it was my hip cracking or something. No big deal, my joints pop all the time… I continued shooting. When I stood up after that pose, I noticed something wasn’t right with my pocket. I reached my fingers in and… BROKEN GLASS!!! I had forgotten I put my lens filter in my back pocket. When I sat down it shattered the glass! I got the bulk of the glass out that was still attached to the rim of the filter, but there were so many tiny pieces still in my pocket! I didn’t want to sit on the glass on the drive home, so we found the nearest bathroom so I could shake the glass out! Always exciting times with Tara T Photography!

The rest of the shoot went smoothly and as planned. I got so many great shots! Here are some of our favorites:

On the following Monday, Dylan (my boyfriend) and I met Sammy out in Gilbert where she took photos of us. I was so excited – mostly because I had just gotten these new cute shoes!

We had such a blast with Sammy and had so much fun! The first location we went to was a bit muddy, so I had to jump on Dylan’s back to get across the mud. Back in the trees, we saw some ducks, then a few seconds later two roosters came walking out of the trees too! What!? Where did chickens come from? Ha! Near the end of shooting at the first location, I got bitten by an ant on my big toe! Ouch! (The same toe that got cut by glass later on. My poor toe!) We got to the second location and did a few photos with our fishing poles. Dylan found an abandoned fishing lure – score! Sammy sent me the photos the next day and OMG they are so cute! I can’t stop looking at them! Here are a few of them:

It was a pretty great weekend working both behind and in front of the camera. I love taking pictures and getting pictures taken!

❤︎ Tara T

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One thought on “Sammy – Headshot

  • May 11, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    It looks like you had a lot of fun and got some great shots!

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