Darin – Senior

This past weekend I had such a fun shoot with Darin! He really wanted pictures with his truck so we spent most of the timetaking those. I wanted to try something different with the truck photos, so I did an HDR photo of his truck- which is just a compilation of a bright photo and a dark photo to make sure every part of the photo is a perfect exposed. After I took some photos for the HDR version, I placed him in the photos and took some different poses. Editing them was a lot of fun! Here is how it came out!

Darin’s personality is so goofy and funny! He was always joking around and posing funny! Here area a few not so candid photos I got of him being silly!

The rest of the shoot went pretty good. The location we were at was swarming with other photographers! At least 5 or six other sessions going on at the same time! Really enjoyed the light right after the sun went down and the mountains looks awesome! Here are some of the best photos from Darin’s shoot!

Until next time!

❤︎Tara T

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