Glass Slippers and Cleats

If your keep up with my blog posts you know that I’ve recently partnered with Glass Slippers and Cleats. If you don’t keep up with my posts, you should! Subscribe to get email notifications when new blogs are posted! And for those of you who are getting this email tonight at 10pm, I apologize!! Its finals week so my priority check list is a bit jumbled!

Speaking of school, I went to high school with Caitlin, owner and founder of Glass Slippers and Cleats. Her company is different characters from Disney movies that go to events, parties, and now photo shoots. They are the whole package, from face painting and nails to multiple characters and teacup decorating. Find more information at

I am so excited to work with Caitlin as we both started our businesses in high school and are young entrepreneurs! The crazy part about this new partnership is that we went to school together for 4 years and never talked and now that we are working and collaborating together!

I had so much fun photographing her and her team. We met at Nicholas Park on a Saturday morning and after we had been shooting for 45 minutes, these men in white pants and white collared shirts started showing up. We didn’t think much of it until we turned around and an interesting game of something that resembled a foreign game of baseball or cricket was being held, and taking up much of the park. Being the nice people we are we worked around them and stayed out of their way.

Other than that everything went smoothly and we got some amazing shots of each character! This shoot was especially fun for me because how often do you get to do a photo shoot with The Snow Queen, The Snow Princess, Rapunzel, Cinderella and The Mermaid Princess? What a treat for me! And now a treat for you, check out the magical photos we captured:

Aren’t they so fun! Make sure you guys check out their site and book a shoot 😉

❤︎ Tara T

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