Fall Fashion Photoshoot

I hope everyone had an amazing new years and great holidays!

Last weekend I photographed my team of spokes models with the theme of ‘Fall Fashion’. I know what you’re thinking, fall fashion? In January? Well, for those of you who aren’t from Arizona, let me explain. Here in the great state of AZ we have 4 seasons. Summer, Summer, Summer and Fall. When it is snowing everywhere else, we are enjoying nice 70º weather! The trees here finally got the memo to turn pretty colors, so we had a fall inspired shoot!

This was quite an event! It started at noon when all the girls met at my apartment for hair and makeup. Now I live alone in a 1 bedroom apt so for me it’s a pretty good size space – especially when I have to clean it!! With 9 people in my living room… suddenly it wasn’t so big! But we made it work! Ellissa and Ellie got there and started on HAMU. In the mean time we all sat around and talked and laughed and ate snacks. It was a good time! Once HAMU was done, the girls got dressed into their fall outfits and we packed up and headed to the location.

The location was just down the street from my apartment. We got there and packed and got out and went down to the wash. The girls all asked how I found this place and the answer? Well, I went to get dinner from Panda Express one day and I saw some pretty trees and I just wondered over there and it was really pretty!

The big trees were filled with gorgeous orange leaves! And I was so excited to start shooting. I’ve got to give the girls a huge thanks- they were soo helpful! The helped me carry all of my equipment and they followed me doing behind the scenes (BTS), and they were holding the reflector for me and making each other laugh! Not only were they a huge help to me, but they rocked their photos! These girls defiantly belong in front of a camera. Each girl got their individual photos and then we did some groups. And that was a wrap! So successful!

As soon as the sunset and everyone left, I went straight home and edited the photos and sent them to the girls! They are just too cute! I’m sure you’re dying to see them so here is a look:

❤︎ Tara T

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