In today’s society, it’s easy to swept up in day to day activities and fall into a routine. I know because I let it happen to me every now and then. But it’s when we catch ourselves falling into this routine that amazing things happen. We’ve all had those days where we randomly feel really productive; you get yourself excited and you put your mind to something. Maybe you call this spring-cleaning, or maybe you finally go through that miscellaneous drawer (don’t deny it… we all have one). The point is, that these days can happen spontaneously or we can make them happen. The best way to do this is to get INSPIRED!
I have so many resources to inspire myself, one being Pinterest. Another is following people who inspire me. By watching others have successes or struggles, who work hard and get things done, and who rise up and extend their hands to others- whether that’s physically or metaphorically. There are many people I look up to and many that encourage me; first and foremost my friends and family. They are all so supportive and encourage me to follow my dream and succeed; in particular my parents and my boyfriend.
Other influencers on my life and my business have been my teachers and professors. They all offer so much wisdom and resources to grow and learn and to apply what I have learned. Can’t thank them enough for giving me an education, which I believe, is a key to success.
On a more popular scale, there are a few individuals in the media and the spot light that inspire me to try my hardest and work to be the best. The first person that comes to mind is Shawn Johnson. Shawn is an American gymnast and she has won many gold medals in the Olympics. Not only do I admire her success in her gymnastics career, but I admire her as a person. Clearly I don’t know her and I’ve never met her, but I don’t have to know that she is such a sweet and caring person. She gives her time volunteering and speaking. I love watching her YouTube videos with her and her husband Andrew. They are so funny and pretty much relationship goals to say the least! I can’t get enough of them; I mean their date nights consist of wearing onesies and cooking dinner together. ADORABLE!
Another celeb favorite is Julianne Hough. She is basically the most talented person ever! She is a singer, a dancer, an actress, an inspiration, and so much more. And holy cow is she gorgeous, how can I get my hair to look like hers? Talk about jealous. One of my favorite things about Julianne is her family bond. I love watching her Instagram stories of her and her siblings being goofs, looks like fun. Not only do they hang out together but they work together too. She dances on Dancing With the Stars with he brother Derek, they also go on tour together, dancing and singing. Every time I see her posts or stories it makes me what to strengthen my talents! She also has an amazing website where she post inspiring things for everyone.
I hope some day I can be an inspiration to not only my peers but to everyone. I want to strive every day to be the best I can and to help everyone be their best too. Inspiration is so important and it makes dreams come true- as cheesy as that sounds! I wonder who Shawn and Julianne look up to and who inspires them.
Instagram is a huge resource for me to gain inspiration and strengthen my talent. There are so many other photographers I follow whom I look up to and strive to achieve their level of talent. We are all growing and we all have a different destination and a different way to get there. Every time their photos come up on my new feed I double tap and think about the goals I’ve set for myself. Some of these photographers include Hope Taylor (@hopetaylorphotography), Christa Rene (@christa_rene), Katelyn James (@katelynjames) and Amy and Jorden Demos (@amy_demos @jordan_demos).
Thank you all for being such amazing and talented people who inspire me!
❤︎ Tara T