
I feel like the best things happen when they are spontaneous, this shoot is a perfect example! I had rented some equipment to try out and needed a model. My friend had agreed to do it, but he canceled the day before, so my other friend said she could do it, but the day of she said they changed her schedule at work. So I desperately posted a model call on Instagram. The equipment was due back at by 5:30PM so the shoot had to start at 4:15 PM to have enough time to take photos and drive to Tempe Camera. It was about 3:30 when I got a message back on my post.

It was an old friend from when I was probably 13 or 14 years old! She offered to model for me! YAY! I told here where and she left her house about 10 minutes later. Talk about last minute, right? We met up and caught up a bit and started shooting. Instantly fell in love with the equipment, and also had a blast photographing Tori! Like I said the last time we probably saw each other was maybe 10 years ago so it was awesome to see how grown up and gorgeous she is. I love how she did her hair, reminded me of a young Taylor Swift.

Y’all know I love “candid” laughing photos… people are usually pretty good at it, but Tori’s “fake” laugh was actually contagious and had me smiling the whole time! It makes the photos so much brighter and happier, love it! Like I said it was pretty spontaneous and last minute, but dang did we get some amazing shots! Take a look:

︎ Tara T

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