Nicole – Senior

When Nicole’s mom called me to book her session, I got so excited when she told me that Nicole was planning on wearing a sari because I had never photographed that before. On the day of the shoot we met up in the parking lot of Papago Park, and Nicole was looking like a million dollars in her sari, with her hair and makeup professionally done by Vidogi Salon.

We set out into the desert landscape and started snapping pictures. Either Nicole had done this before, or she is a natural because wow! She had those facial expressions down! It’s always a little awkward at first doing the fake laugh, but she honestly didn’t even need the fake laugh because her smeyes were on point! For those who are wondering what smeyes is, it’s when you smile with you eyes… it’s a real thing, Tyra Banks came up with it!

Once the sun went down a little bit and Nicole changed outfits, the lighting was to die for and I couldn’t get over the way the sun shined through the belle sleeves on dress. We hiked back towards the mountains a bit and found the cutest little wash… thats right! Nicole was a trooper, she even got up close and personal with a bush for me for some amazing shots! Take a look at her session:

Seriously stunning! Am I right!


Tara T

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