Kayla and Hannah – BFF

Do these ladies look familiar? Because they should! Both Kayla and Hannah had their senior photos done by me and they decided to do a BFF shoot and do some with their Cap and Gowns. They’ve been friends since Kindergarten and are still going strong! These two are so silly and they could not keep a straight face if I asked them to. No fake laughs at this shoot, all of their giggles were quite candid. I thought the height difference was funny and we had to have Kayla stand on a big Rock for the back-to-back pose just to make it look natural! But you’d never know if I didn’t just tell you. I really liked that they brought their cap and gown, it gave the photos more of a story and plus they are just adorable! We walked all over the park and got some super cute shots of these two besties, take a look:

❤︎ Tara T

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